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History Books

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21435441Casey Bukro

Higher Power: An American Town's Story of Faith, Hope, and Nuclear Energy

2024epub12/14/2024 4:03:53 PMmaveriks

Supremacy at Sea: Task Force 58 and the Central Pacific Victory

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21435400Timothy E. Duff

Generic Enrichment in Plutarch s Lives (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies)

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21435240Jerry Stannard

Pristina Medicamenta: Ancient and Medieval Medical Botany (Variorum Collected Studies)

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21435191Leofranc Holford-Strevens

Aulus Gellius: Attic Nights, Books 11-20 (Auli Gelli Noctes Atticae: Libri XI-XX) (Oxford Classical Texts)

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21435170Pierre Manent

Beyond Radical Secularism: How France and the Christian West Should Respond to the Islamic Challenge

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21435111John D. Morgenstern

Modernism in Wonderland: Legacies of Lewis Carroll (Historicizing Modernism)

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21435100Maryam Dezhamkhooy

The Politics of the Past: The Representation of the Ancient Empires by Iran s Modern States

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Shaping Lebanon's Borderlands Armed Resistance and International Intervention in South Lebanon

2016EPUB12/14/2024 3:43:26 PMcomet
21435061Dahlia Shehata

Contemporary Approaches to Mesopotamian Literature: How to Tell a Story (Cuneiform Monographs)

2024pdf12/14/2024 3:42:16 PMmaveriks
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