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21435070Scott M. Smith

Nutritional Biochemistry of Space Flight (Space Science, Exploration and Policies Series)

2024pdf12/14/2024 3:42:52 PMmaveriks
21435041Karen Sullivan

Yagara Dictionary and Salvage Grammar (Asia-Pacific Linguistics)

2024epub12/14/2024 3:41:42 PMmaveriks
21435011Alexander Bachmeier

Curriculum Perspectives and Development

2024pdf12/14/2024 3:39:55 PMmaveriks

Sketching in Human Computer Interaction A Practical Guide to Sketching Theory and Application

2024EPUB (True)12/14/2024 3:39:38 PMcomet
21434990Cees Nooteboom

533 Days (The Margellos World Republic of Letters)

2024pdf12/14/2024 3:39:20 PMmaveriks

SkewNormal Model Theories and Their Applications

2025EPUB12/14/2024 3:37:05 PMcomet

ROS 2 from Scratch Get started with ROS 2 and create robotics applications with Python and C++

2024True EPUB12/14/2024 2:07:46 PMcomet

Radioactivity A Natural Phenomenon, Volume 1

2025PDF EPUB (True)12/14/2024 2:00:51 PMcomet

Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management

2023EPUB12/14/2024 1:56:09 PMcomet

Recent Advances in Signals and Systems: Select Proceedings of VSPICE 2023

2024PDF (True)12/14/2024 1:54:26 PMcomet
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