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History Books

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21426292James C. Humes

The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill

1995epub12/9/2024 3:56:57 AMeternal
21426251James D. Hornfischer, David J. Hornfischer

Destroyer Captain: The Life of Ernest E. Evans (American War Heroes)

2024pdf12/9/2024 3:29:38 AMeternal
21426091Emmanuel S. Moutafov

The Chora Monastery of Constantinople (Elements in the History of Constantinople)

2024pdf12/9/2024 1:59:16 AMtopron
21426051David Booy

Autobiographical Writings by Early Quaker Women (The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions)

2024rar12/9/2024 1:56:51 AMtopron
21425993Silvia Ferrara

Writing from Invention to Decipherment

2024pdf12/9/2024 1:53:11 AMtopron
21425983Martin Hewitt

The Reception of Darwinian Evolution in Britain, 1859-1909: Darwinism's Generations

2024pdf12/9/2024 1:52:35 AMtopron
21425922David A. Bell

French Revolutionary Lives (War, Culture and Society, 1750 1850)

2024pdf12/9/2024 1:48:58 AMtopron
21425911Yves Congar

A Stumbling Block: Bartolom de Las Casas as Defender of the Indians

2024pdf12/9/2024 1:48:21 AMtopron
21425820Sylvain Belluc

The Ecopoetics of War (Routledge Studies in World Literatures and the Environment)

2024rar12/9/2024 1:42:11 AMtopron
21425811Lori R. Weintrob

Heroines of the Holocaust (Routledge Studies in Second World War History)

2024rar12/9/2024 1:41:35 AMtopron
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