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Networking Books

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214107918Mike O'Leary

Cyber Operations: Building, Defending, and Attacking Modern Computer Networks Ed 2

2024rar12/4/2024 3:58:22 AMgestalt
214047624Licheng Wang

Data-Rate-Constrained State Estimation and Control of Complex Networked Systems

2024rar12/1/2024 4:05:48 AMtopron
214070436Suman Lata Tripathi

Development of 6G Networks and Technology (Next Generation Computing and Communication Engineering)

2024pdf12/1/2024 2:28:13 AMgestalt
214069648Jerry M. Couretas

Cyber Operations: A Case Study Approach, 1st Edition

2024pdf,epub12/1/2024 1:46:09 AMeternal
214069031Mike O’Leary

Cyber Operations: Building, Defending, and Attacking Modern Computer Networks

2015pdf,epub12/1/2024 1:41:22 AMeternal
213985820Wuyi Yue

Performance analysis of multi-channel and multi-traffic on wireless communication networks

2002PDF11/28/2024 11:36:09 AMcomet
213979148Paul Trouillas

A Quantum Theory of Syntax

2024pdf11/28/2024 5:48:13 AMtopron
213815574Jerome Henry

Wi-Fi 7 In Depth: Your guide to mastering Wi-Fi 7, the 802.11be protocol, and their deployment (Networking Technology)

2024pdf11/20/2024 2:38:54 AMgestalt
213810460by James Macfarlane

Network Routing Basics Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems

2007pdf11/19/2024 6:50:48 AMrubybook
213791124Nibaran Das

Proceedings of International Conference on Data, Electronics and Computing: ICDEC 2023, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 1103)

2024pdf11/19/2024 12:31:19 AMgestalt
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