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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
214131614Bart FunnekotterEureka!: European Research Universities and the Challenges of the 21st Century2024pdfHistory12/6/2024 9:31:40 PMrisotor
214141212Erik van der VleutenEngineering the Future, Understanding the Past: A Social History of Technology2024pdfSociology12/6/2024 9:31:40 PMmaveriks
213925210Ephraim F. SuditEffectiveness, Quality and Efficiency: A Management Oriented ApproachOct 01, 2011PDFEconomy12/6/2024 9:31:40 PMcomet
214109936VIVEK SINGHFitness Myths: What s True and What s Not2024rarHealth and Care12/6/2024 9:31:40 PMgestalt
213969022Regan A. R. GurungEvidence-Based Teaching for Higher Education2024pdfEducation12/6/2024 9:31:39 PMmaveriks
213969113Robert H. MillerFinding My Father's War: Revelations from the Red Cross Diary of an American POW in Nazi Germany2024epubNon-fiction12/6/2024 9:31:39 PMmaveriks
743332767Gerhard KoopGerman Light Cruisers of World War II: Emden, Konigsberg, Karlsruhe, Koln, Leipzig, Nurnberg (Warships of the Kriegsmarine)2014-08-15EPUBMilitary Science12/6/2024 9:31:37 PMtopron
21402548Dr. Roland Demmel (auth.)Fiscal Policy, Public Debt and the Term Structure of Interest RatesOctober 18, 1999PDFOther Engineering12/6/2024 9:31:37 PMcomet
213967014Joyce De ConinckEU's Human Rights Responsibility Gap: Deconstructing Human Rights Impunity of International Organisations2024True PDFMisc12/6/2024 9:31:34 PMcomet
19286291271DKMaths Lab: Exciting Projects for Budding Mathematicians2021pdfMathematics12/6/2024 9:31:34 PMmaveriks
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