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Embedded_Systems Books

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214105641CHUNYAN LI

Record Weather Data with Arduino and Solar Power: Use Sensors to Record and Analyze Meteorological Data (Maker Innovations Series)

2024pdf12/4/2024 1:37:30 AMrubybook
213889457Colin Dow

Internet of Things Programming Projects: Build exciting IoT projects using Raspberry Pi 5, Raspberry Pi Pico, and Python, 2nd Edition

2024pdf + code11/25/2024 1:58:39 PMrubybook

Android Studio Ladybug Essentials - Java Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio Ladybug and Java

2024pdf11/25/2024 6:14:17 AMrubybook
2137637133Simon Monk

Raspberry Pi Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions, 4th Edition

2023epub11/15/2024 4:15:35 PMrubybook
2136125109Aharen san

Mastering FPGA Embedded Systems: A Case Study Approach to Designing and Implementing FPGA-Based Embedded Systems with TFT LCDs

2023pdf,epub10/31/2024 4:32:41 AMeternal
2134428125Nishimoto Takehiko

MASTERING EMBEDDED SYSTEMS WITH UML STATE MACHINES: Designing Embedded Systems Building Robust Embedded Systems Using UML

2024epub10/11/2024 7:51:26 PMrubybook
2133264172Jiacun Wang

Real-Time Embedded Systems (Quantitative Software Engineering Series)

2024rar9/29/2024 1:42:00 AMstirkout
2133285150Sam Siewert

Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems with Linux and RTOS Ed 2

2024rar9/28/2024 2:11:06 AMstirkout
2133145171Bin Li

Embedded Artificial Intelligence: Principles, Platforms and Practices

2024pdf9/25/2024 10:32:40 PMalex21s
2133019142K. C. Wang

Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems, Second Edition

2023pdf,epub9/25/2024 6:29:42 AMeternal
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