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History Books

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21425010Karen Conti

Killing Time with John Wayne Gacy: Defending America's Most Evil Serial Killer on Death Row

2024epub12/8/2024 11:54:33 PMmaveriks
21424980Stephen J. Harris

Bede and Aethelthryth: An Introduction to Christian Latin Poetics

2016PDF12/8/2024 11:53:04 PMcomet
21424870David Cooper

The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies (Routledge Literature Handbooks)

2024epub12/8/2024 11:47:55 PMmaveriks
21424860Michael Grantham

The Transhuman Antihero: Paradoxical Protagonists of Speculative Fiction from Mary Shelley to Richard Morgan

2024epub12/8/2024 11:47:18 PMmaveriks
21424820Laurence W. Mazzeno

James Lee Burke: A Literary Companion (McFarland Literary Companions, 16)

2024epub12/8/2024 11:45:29 PMmaveriks
21424750Martin Pjecha

Theo-Politics of the Hussite Movement: From Reform to Revolution (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions)

2024pdf12/8/2024 11:41:48 PMmaveriks
21424550Howard J. Wiarda

American foreign policy in regions of conflict: a global perspective

2011EPUB12/8/2024 11:12:44 PMcomet
21424533Adnan Husain, K. E. Fleming

A Faithful Sea: The Religious Cultures of the Mediterranean, 1200-1700

August 25, 2007PDF12/8/2024 11:08:36 PMcomet
21424267Richard Croker

To Make Men Free A Novel of the Battle of Antietam

January 31, 2006PDF12/8/2024 9:55:30 PMcomet
21424233Daniel W. Patterson

The true image: gravestone art and the culture of Scotch Irish settlers in the Pennsylvania and Carolina backcountry

2012EPUB12/8/2024 9:50:29 PMcomet
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