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History Books

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21411314Luke Clossey

Jesus and the Making of the Modern Mind, 1380-1520

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21411251Katie Reid

Martianus Capella in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance (Medieval and Renaissance Authors and Texts, 28)

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21411242Andrew Pettegree

Broadsheets, Single-Sheet Publishing in the First Age of Print (Library of the Written Word, Volume 60 / The Handpress World, Volume 45)

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21411203William A. Parkinson

The Archaeology of Tribal Societies (International Monographs in Prehistory: Archaeological Series, 15)

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21411182Sayan Dey

Performing Memories and Weaving Archives:: Creolized Cultures across the Indian Ocean

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21411135Joyce E. Chaplin

Round About the Earth: Circumnavigation from Magellan to Orbit

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21411093Mark Cirino

Hemingway and Italy: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives

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21410806T. D. van Basten

Ancient Egypt: Egyptology - The Study of Ancient Egyptian History

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21410863Sofia Aziz

The Human Brain in Ancient Egypt: A Medical and Historical Re-evaluation of Its Function and Importance (Archaeopress Egyptology, 45)

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21410854Joanne-Marie Robinson

Blood Is Thicker Than Water Non-Royal Consanguineous Marriage in Ancient Egypt: An Exploration of Economic and Biological Outcomes (Archaeopress Egyptology)

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