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Homebuilt Reflector Telescopes
Homebuilt Reflector Telescopes (Edmund Scientific Series No. 9066) 36 page, illustrated softcover. From the contents page: Grinding Your Own Mirror Making A Pitch Lap Polishing Pre-Testing Optics Testing Equipment Testing and Correcting Figuring the Paraboloid Reflecting Telescope Construction Mounting Your Telescope Addendum Sam Brown World's Greatest Technical Writer There is no question in my mind that the greatest technical writer ever (at least in English) was Sam Brown. No one else has matched him for presenting information so clearly, so concisely, and with such a complete absence of compromise and condescension. Yet outside of the small communities of amateur astronomers and certain amateur machinists, few have ever heard of him. Very little is known about him. Brown was published widely. He wrote for Popular Mechanics, edited The Deltagram for nearly a decade, and later produced many of the legendary booklets on amateur optics and astronomy for the former Edmund Scientific company. In his day, and within the home workshop and amateur astronomy communities, he was famous. Yet that fame faded with the decline of the home workshop in America, and as yet he is insufficiently well known in the new "maker" culture of the 21st century. This Notebook is just an attempt, first, to list those few biographical details about Sam Brown as are known, and, second, to compile a bibliography of as many of his publications as I can find.