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The Cognitive Biases Compendium: Explore over 150 Cognitive Biases (with examples) to make better decisions, think critically, solve problems effectively, ... accurately. (Arificial Intelligence Book
Misconceptions Mental shortcuts Deviations from logical reasoning We all have them, especially when we are pressed for time, face ambiguity or complexity, or need to process large amounts of data ... By becoming more aware of our human biases, we can work towards making less biased conclusions in all aspects of life. This skill is precious as it enables us to navigate the intricacies of our thoughts and arrive at more informed and fair decisions. Let us utilize our understanding of cognitive bias as a means of personal development and gaining a deeper comprehension of the world around us. 'Let's learn more about our human biases to make less biased conclusions in the future.' With The Cognitive Biases Compendium, you can explore over 150 cognitive biases affecting your thinking and behavior. Discover the secrets behind biases like Confirmation Bias and Availability Heuristic, and learn how to use them to make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, and communicate more accurately. This journey into the depths of your mind will open your eyes to a more mindful and insightful life.