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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
214138911Benjamin VilhauerKant on Rational Sympathy (Elements in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant)2024rarSociology12/5/2024 8:10:52 AMtopron
975548298Noree CosperA Dose of Brimstone: An Urban Fantasy Novel (Van Helsing Organization Book 2)2015-08-26epub,mobi,lrf,lit,htmlz,pdb,azwFantasy Novels12/5/2024 8:10:52 AMNecrommonger
78488325708Antoni Bayes de LunaBasic Electrocardiography: Normal and Abnormal ECG Patterns (Blackwell's At a Glance Series)2007-10-01pdfMedicine12/5/2024 8:10:49 AMpcicare
214138810Diego E. MachucaDisagreement (Elements in Epistemology)2024rarSociology12/5/2024 8:10:45 AMtopron
194567862568Timothy G. ThoppilUnwinding Electric Motors: Strategic Perspectives and Insights for Automotive Powertrain Applications2021pdfElectrical Engineering12/5/2024 8:10:44 AMmaveriks
211617412854 Basic Python Programming (2024) VIDEOComputer Science12/5/2024 8:10:43 AMoblivion
2054147158BookSumo PressQuick Recipes: Easy Cooking for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner2021rarCooking12/5/2024 8:10:42 AMtopron
209014414655 Mandarin Speaking with Wu (Part 1) VIDEOChinese12/5/2024 8:10:41 AMoblivion
214138718Beth SinglerThe Cambridge Companion to Religion and Artificial Intelligence (Cambridge Companions to Religion)2024rarReligion Other12/5/2024 8:10:40 AMtopron
211659262707Chris EllisTanks of World War 2: 500 Full-Color Illustrations1981pdfMilitary Science12/5/2024 8:10:40 AMMaterialistic
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