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Psychology Books

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21434460Trae Stewart

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program Companion and Boards Exam Review Workbook

2024PDF EPUB (True)12/14/2024 1:51:12 PMcomet

Psycho-Legal Concepts for Parenting in Child Custody and Child Protection: Policy Principles in Australia

2024PDF EPUB (True)12/14/2024 1:49:44 PMcomet
214335734Stephen Grossberg

Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each Brain Makes a Mind

2024pdf12/14/2024 3:09:18 AMtopron
214312323Agnieszka Wykowska

Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots: Lessons Learned from Studies in Human-Robot Interaction

2024PDF EPUB (True)12/12/2024 12:35:14 AMcomet
214300017Ruchi Sinha, Pekham Basu

Family and Gendered Violence and Conflict PanContinent Reach

2024PDF EPUB (True)12/11/2024 10:46:42 PMcomet
214292020Texe Marrs

Psychopaths: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

2024epub12/11/2024 7:07:27 PMalex21s
214270924Eia Asen

Systemic Multi-Family Therapy: Concepts and Interventions

2024rar12/10/2024 3:27:07 AMstirkout
214266722David Giles

Advanced Research Methods in Psychology

2024pdf12/10/2024 12:02:06 AMstirkout
214265825Barbara Reskin

Job & Gender Queues (Women In The Political Economy)

1990pdf12/9/2024 11:33:27 AMrubybook
214260736David J. Gunkel

AI for Communication (AI for Everything)

2024rar12/9/2024 6:42:46 AMtopron
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