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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
213996136Michelle JaymanSupporting New Digital Natives: Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing in a Hi-Tech Age2021PDFSociology12/5/2024 11:57:56 PMcomet
214016915Gayle Porter, Michael Beyerlein (auth.), Michael M. Beyerlein (eds.)Work Teams: Past, Present and Future2010PDFNon-fiction12/5/2024 11:57:56 PMcomet
6506141423John S. Haller Jr.Battlefield Medicine: A History of the Military Ambulance from the Napoleonic Wars Through World War I2011-03-29pdfHistory12/5/2024 11:57:56 PMeternal
213980421Kheir Al-Kodmany, Madhav GovindSustainable Urban Agriculture: New Frontiers2024True PDFSociology12/5/2024 11:57:56 PMcomet
182985365501Nancy Hillis M.D.The Artist's Journey: Bold Strokes To Spark Creativity2019EPUBArt related12/5/2024 11:57:56 PMrisotor
213990822Richard Roscoe MillerSlavery and Catholicism2021EPUBHistory12/5/2024 11:57:55 PMcomet
213993916Adam HabibSouth Africas Suspended Revolution Hopes And Prospects2013EPUBHistory12/5/2024 11:57:55 PMcomet
213993011Gabriel Deville, Robert Rives La MonteSocialism, Revolution And Internationalism2010EPUBEconomy12/5/2024 11:57:55 PMcomet
213983712Andrea Carrera, Alvaro CenciniNational and International Monetary Payments: From Smith to Keynes and Schmitt2024MOBIEconomy12/5/2024 11:57:55 PMcomet
21414168Michael RoseIndigenous Spirits and Global Aspirations in a Southeast Asian Borderland: Timor-Leste's Oecussi Enclave2024pdfSociology12/5/2024 11:57:55 PMmaveriks
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