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Mathematics Books

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214193010Oliver Stein

Basic Concepts of Global Optimization (Mathematics Study Resources, 5) 2024th Edition

2024pdf,epub12/7/2024 3:20:22 AMeternal
214175368Hari Kishan

A Textbook of Matrices

2008pdf12/6/2024 10:23:33 AMrubybook
214175130Pierre E. Cartier, Bernard Julia, Pierre Moussa, Pierre Vanhove

Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry I On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions, and Dynamical Systems

2010pdf12/6/2024 10:21:01 AMrubybook
214173821Steven Strogatz

The Calculus of Friendship What a Teacher and a Student Learned about Life while Corresponding about Math

2011pdf12/6/2024 9:42:16 AMrubybook
214169952Dror Varolin

Riemann Surfaces by Way of Complex Analytic Geometry

2011pdf12/6/2024 4:04:30 AMeternal
214162037Florian K&ouml pf

Adaptive Dynamic Programming Solltrajektorienfolgeregelung und Konvergenzbedingungen

2022PDF12/5/2024 11:50:31 AMcomet
214141174Edgar G. Goodaire, Michael M. Parmenter

Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 3rd Edition

2005pdf12/4/2024 11:30:36 PMrubybook
214141075Douglas Brent West

Introduction to Graph Theory Featured Titles for Graph Theory, 2nd Edition

2001pdf12/4/2024 11:27:22 PMrubybook
214137634Heinrich Holland

Wirtschaftsmathematik Intensivtraining [German]

April 1, 1999PDF12/4/2024 11:11:04 PMcomet
214140376Tatsuo Suwa


2024pdf12/4/2024 10:23:37 PMtopron
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