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History Books

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21425250Carl J. Bon Tempo

Immigration: An American History

2024pdf12/9/2024 12:07:21 AMmaveriks
21425180Kenneth R. Crippen

The All-America Football Conference: Players, Coaches, Records, Games and Awards, 1946-1949

2024pdf12/9/2024 12:03:04 AMmaveriks
21425170Mick Ryan

The War for Ukraine: Strategy and Adaptation Under Fire

2024epub12/9/2024 12:02:27 AMmaveriks
21425140JoAnn Scurlock

What Difference Does Time Make? Papers from the Ancient and Islamic Middle East and China in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Midwest Branch of ... Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology)

2024pdf12/9/2024 12:00:40 AMmaveriks
21425121Pal Steiner

From the Fjords to the Nile: Essays in honour of Richard Holton Pierce on his 80th birthday

2024pdf12/9/2024 12:00:02 AMmaveriks
21425080Hourly History

Balkan Wars A History from Beginning to End

2024EPUB12/8/2024 11:58:06 PMcomet
21425010Karen Conti

Killing Time with John Wayne Gacy: Defending America's Most Evil Serial Killer on Death Row

2024epub12/8/2024 11:54:33 PMmaveriks
21424980Stephen J. Harris

Bede and Aethelthryth: An Introduction to Christian Latin Poetics

2016PDF12/8/2024 11:53:04 PMcomet
21424870David Cooper

The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies (Routledge Literature Handbooks)

2024epub12/8/2024 11:47:55 PMmaveriks
21424862Michael Grantham

The Transhuman Antihero: Paradoxical Protagonists of Speculative Fiction from Mary Shelley to Richard Morgan

2024epub12/8/2024 11:47:18 PMmaveriks
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