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Physics Books

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21420584Randall D. Knight

College Physics: A Strategic Approach Ed 3

2014pdf12/7/2024 12:36:14 PMeternal
21420397Randall D. Knight, Brian Jones, Stuart Field

College Physics: A Strategic Approach, 2nd Edition

2010pdf12/7/2024 12:10:52 PMeternal
21420387Gary Westfall Wolfgang Bauer

University Physics with Modern Physics

2010pdf12/7/2024 12:10:07 PMrubybook
21420329Randall D. Knight, Brian Jones, Stuart Field

Student Workbook for College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Volume 1

2013pdf12/7/2024 11:59:35 AMeternal
214196616Jamie Flux

Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Methods in Quantum Field Theory With Python

2024PDF12/7/2024 9:26:45 AMcomet
2034389196Vladimir Ryzhov

Modern Methods in Mathematical Physics: Integral Equations in Wolfram Mathematica

2021pdf12/7/2024 6:53:08 AMrisotor
214195032Jules J. Berman

Proofs and Logical Arguments Supporting the Foundational Laws of Physics: A Handy Guide for Students and Scientists, 1st Edition

2025pdf12/7/2024 5:33:08 AMeternal
214193823Hans-Hennig von Grunberg

1924-1927: The Dawning of Quantum Mechanics ,2024th Edition

2024pdf,epub12/7/2024 4:13:01 AMeternal

Acoustic Metamaterials: Absorption, Cloaking, Imaging, Time-Modulated Media, and Topological Crystals

2024pdf,epub12/7/2024 3:58:46 AMeternal
214179922Tobias Ruess

A First 2 MWClass (136)170204 GHz MultiFrequency Gyrotron PrePrototype for DEMO

2023PDF12/6/2024 12:06:10 PMcomet
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