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History Books

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21412330Merry Wiesner-Hanks

Challenging Women's Agency and Activism in Early Modernity (Gendering the Late Medieval and Early Modern World)

2024pdf12/4/2024 11:55:05 AMrisotor
21412230Vivek Singh

The History of the Earth's Climate From Ice Ages to Global Warming

2024EPUB12/4/2024 11:46:15 AMcomet
21412191Kathy Joseph

The Lightning Tamers True Stories of the Dreamers and Schemers Who Harnessed Electricity and Transformed Our World

2022EPUB12/4/2024 11:38:52 AMcomet
21412033Ariel Wilkis, Mariana Luzzi

Dollar: How the US Dollar Became a Popular Currency in Argentina

2023Image PDF12/4/2024 10:59:08 AMcomet
21412012George E. Walker

The Afro-American in New York City, 1827-1860

1993EPUB12/4/2024 10:55:44 AMcomet
21411702Jim Gigliotti

Sports in America,1950-1959

2010PDF12/4/2024 10:02:12 AMcomet
21411643Walter A. Kemp

Security Through Cooperation

2021EPUB12/4/2024 9:50:18 AMcomet
21411623Michael F Noone Jr

Selective Conscientious Objection

2019EPUB12/4/2024 9:46:53 AMcomet
21411613Annemarie Peen Rodt, Stefan Wolff

Self-Determination after Kosovo

2017EPUB12/4/2024 9:45:20 AMcomet
21411603David Faulkner

Servant of the Crown A Civil Servant's Story of Criminal Justice and Public Service Reform

2014EPUB12/4/2024 9:43:45 AMcomet
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