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Law Books

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214150910Aziz Z. Huq

The Rule of Law: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

2024epub12/5/2024 4:08:14 AMeternal
213991215Koen Lenaerts, Eugene Regan

Shaping a Genuine Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

2024True PDF12/4/2024 11:20:13 PMcomet
214105912Marco Roscini

Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law

2024rar12/4/2024 4:02:11 AMgestalt
214107311Francois Delerue

Cyber Operations and International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Series Number 146)

2024rar12/4/2024 3:59:07 AMgestalt
213614855Man-Chung Chiu

Transforming the Hong Kong Legal Machine: Gender and Familial Law in Jurisprudence

2022pdf10/31/2024 9:59:06 AMtvladb77
2135505135Clare Dyer

The Law Machine Ed 5

2024pdf10/27/2024 2:22:27 AMgestalt
213445661Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2021 (GLOBAL COMMUNITY YEARBOOK OF INTL LAW)

2024pdf10/12/2024 1:08:30 AMstirkout
213376676Wael B. Hallaq

Authority, Continuity and Change in Islamic Law

2024pdf10/5/2024 1:17:37 AMmaveriks
213352349Milena Sterio

Prosecuting Juvenile Piracy Suspects: The International Legal Framework (Routledge Research in International Law)

2024pdf10/3/2024 7:37:11 AMstirkout
213338381Tina M. Fielding Fryling

Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice (Aspen College Series) Ed 3

2024pdf10/1/2024 5:06:58 AMtopron
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