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Chemistry In Daily Life Quiz: 900 Challenge Questions to test your knowledge of Chemical Names
Everyone knows that common salt is sodium chloride. But what about white vitriol? Or muriatic acid? Or Angelic Acid? Or Dry Ice? Or Salt of Wormwood? Or Diabolic Acid? Or LOX? Or TNT? This book proves that chemistry can be fun and quirky, by celebrating the strange and wonderful names that people over the years and centuries have given to the chemicals that they encountered in their daily lives, at home, at work, and at school. Not all of them make sense, but all of them are interesting, and there is many a story behind the words that hide the compounds, elements, allotropes, polymers, aromatic rings, and mixtures. Through the pages of this book, you will go through hundreds of questions, problems, and exercises that test your chemistry knowledge, and help you level up your knowledge of the most interesting parts of chemistry to the next tier. The structure of the book has been carefully chosen to both aid and to reinforce memory. The main aim of basic inorganic entry level chemistry is to build up a strong knowledge base, and the boring way to achieve that is through rote memory, alone. However, not all learners can commit huge tables of chemical names and uses to memory, and this book helps all the others, by coming up with a fun gamified spin on the format, to make it much more engaging for any user to test his / her knowledge of inorganic chemistry, and to build up a strong base of facts through repeated achievement in the multiple quizzes that you will go through n the upcoming pages. Are you ready for the ultimate test of your knowledge of both chemistry and pop culture?