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Non_fiction Books

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Psychology in Economics and Business: An Introduction To Economic Psychology

Sep 30, 1996PDF12/14/2024 1:47:42 PMcomet
21434393Klaus Neumann

Produktions und OperationsManagement

April 2, 1996PDF12/14/2024 1:27:48 PMcomet

Pensionszusagen und ihre Dynamisierung auf lange Sicht: Finanzielle Auswirkungen der Anpassung von Betriebsrenten mit einem Vergleich von Kapital- und ...

Mar 26, 1996PDF12/14/2024 1:24:02 PMcomet
21434330Noel Capon

Planning the Development of Builders, Leaders and Managers for 21st-Century Business: Curriculum Review at Columbia Business School

Oct 01, 2011PDF12/14/2024 1:17:00 PMcomet

Political Science Abstracts: 1995 Annual Supplement In three volumes Volume 2

Oct 12, 2011PDF12/14/2024 1:15:27 PMcomet

No Masters but God: Portraits of Anarcho-Judaism

2021True EPUB12/14/2024 12:57:41 PMcomet
21434203Kurt Vikas

Neue Konzepte fur das Kostenmanagement Vergleich der aktuellen Verfahren fur Industrie und Dienstleistungsunternehmen

January 1, 2001PDF12/14/2024 12:32:06 PMcomet

Modelling techniques for financial markets and bank management

1996PDF12/14/2024 12:14:46 PMcomet

Mastering Flask Web and API Development: Build and Deploy Production-Ready Flask Apps Seamlessly Across Web, APIs, and Mobile Platforms

2024EPUB12/14/2024 12:02:23 PMcomet
21433977Paul K. Freeman

Managing Environmental Risk Through Insurance

2012PDF12/14/2024 11:33:53 AMcomet
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