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Mathematics Books

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21432970H. B. Griffiths , P. J. Hilton

A Comprehensive Textbook of Classical Mathematics: A Contemporary Interpretation

1970pdf12/13/2024 4:50:31 AMeternal
21432960Peter Farrell, Alvaro Fuentes, Ajinkya Sudhir Kolhe

The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop: A comprehensive introduction to mathematics in Python for artificial intelligence applications

2020pdf12/13/2024 4:45:35 AMeternal
21432951Catherine Cavagnaro, William T. Haight II

Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics (Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics) 1st Edition

2001pdf12/13/2024 4:38:55 AMeternal
21432940Giuseppe Campolieti and Roman N. Makarov

Financial Mathematics: A Comprehensive Treatment (Textbooks in Mathematics) 1st Edition

2014pdf12/13/2024 4:34:37 AMeternal
21432930C. Oliver, A. Ledsham, R. Elvin

Comprehensive Mathematics Practice: Bk. 2

1981pdf12/13/2024 4:30:32 AMeternal
21432921C. Oliver

Comprehensive Mathematics Practice: Book 1

1981pdf12/13/2024 4:26:11 AMeternal
21432910G.R. Veena

Comprehensive Basic Mathematics, Volume 2

2005pdf12/13/2024 4:22:03 AMeternal
21432892Alberto Valli

A Compact Course on Linear PDEs (UNITEXT, 126) 1st ed.

2020pdf12/13/2024 4:10:52 AMeternal

Toute l'algebre de la Licence : Cours et exercices corriges - 4e

2016djvu12/13/2024 4:05:04 AMeternal
21432857Douglas N. Clark

Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations (Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics) 1st Edition

2000pdf12/13/2024 3:35:00 AMeternal
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