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Computer_Science Books

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Introduction to Computer Organization: ARM Edition

2025pdf12/12/2024 3:04:19 AMeternal
21431138Prabh Deep Singh

Integration of Cloud Computing and IoT: Trends, Case Studies and Applications,1st Edition,

2024pdf12/12/2024 12:22:01 AMeternal
214290811Marshall McKusick

Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, The Ed 2

2024pdf12/11/2024 11:16:02 PMalex21s
214272280John Paul Mueller

Artificial Intelligence For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Ed 3

2024pdf12/10/2024 3:38:00 AMstirkout

System Innovation for an Artificial Intelligence ERA: Applied System Innovation X

2024EPUB12/8/2024 8:39:05 PMcomet
214140234Alex X Liu

Design and Implementation of Datacenter Protocols for Cloud Computing

2024epub12/4/2024 10:46:44 PMtopron
214110838Lakshman Bulusu

AI Meets BI

2024epub12/4/2024 5:27:03 AMtopron
2005136438no autor

Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications

2021pdf12/4/2024 5:20:51 AMalex21s
214103732Erik L. Herman

AI Revealed: Theory Applications Ethics (MLI Generative AI Series)

2024epub12/4/2024 4:49:24 AMstirkout
214109325Horst Bunke

PROGRESS IN COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE ANALYSIS (Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, 73)

2024rar12/4/2024 3:56:40 AMgestalt
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