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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
211416715768 GameMaker 2D RPG Craft Your Adventure from Code to Combat VIDEOGame Development12/13/2024 10:31:11 AMoblivion
21157225849 Smarphone Photography to Impress Your Friends & Followers! VIDEOPhotography12/13/2024 10:31:11 AMoblivion
214258045Dan ZahaviPhenomenology: The Basics Ed 22024rarSociology12/13/2024 10:31:09 AMtopron
21155754807 Learn Microsoft Excel Automation From Scratch + Sap VIDEOMicrosoft Office12/13/2024 10:31:09 AMoblivion
206657412516 From Wood To Whirl Craft Your Own Bullroarer VIDEODo It Yourself12/13/2024 10:31:09 AMoblivion
2000257154Walter Amedzro St. HilairePandemic Governance: Learning from Covid and Future Pathways2021pdfManagement12/13/2024 10:31:09 AMrisotor
1834558194Business Models and ModellingBusiness Models and Modelling2015PDFManagement12/13/2024 10:31:06 AMstirkout
2131535230Arie DickmanVerified Signal Processing Algorithms in MATLAB and C: Advised by Israel Greiss ,1st ed.2022pdfDigital Signal Processing12/13/2024 10:31:03 AMeternal
206794316218 Learn Basic & Advanced Electronics VIDEOElectrical Engineering12/13/2024 10:31:02 AMoblivion
194567870821Timothy G. ThoppilUnwinding Electric Motors: Strategic Perspectives and Insights for Automotive Powertrain Applications2021pdfElectrical Engineering12/13/2024 10:31:01 AMmaveriks
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