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History Books

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21426860Ann-Katrin Gill

Transforming the Dead in Graeco-Roman Egypt: The Spells of P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162 (Zeitschrift f r gyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde Beihefte, 16)

2024rar12/10/2024 12:14:20 AMstirkout
21426781Don Nardo

Persian Mythology (Mythology and Culture Worldwide)

2024djvu12/10/2024 12:10:27 AMstirkout
21426790Matthew E. Reardon

The Traitor s Homecoming: Benedict Arnold s Raid on New London, Connecticut, September 4-13, 1781

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21426761Jim Blake

London's Underground Since 1985: A Journey in Colour

2024pdf12/10/2024 12:08:17 AMstirkout
21426770John Sheen

The Green Howards in the Great War: 8th and 9th Battalions A.P.W.O Yorkshire Regiment

2024rar12/10/2024 12:08:10 AMstirkout
214265924Tara Williams

Inventing Womanhood: Gender and Language in Later Middle English Writing (Interventions: New Studies Medieval Cult)

2021pdf12/9/2024 11:35:53 AMrubybook
214264647Wlodzimierz Borodziej

Forgotten Wars: Central and Eastern Europe, 1912-1916

2021pdf12/9/2024 7:38:51 AMeternal
214264534Eugenia Russell and Quentin Russell

Ali Pasha, Lion of Ioannina : The Remarkable Life of the Balkan Napoleon

2018epub12/9/2024 7:34:42 AMeternal
214264431Hourly History

Balkan Wars: A History from Beginning to End (History of Eastern Europe)

2024epub12/9/2024 7:28:08 AMeternal
214251019Christos Retoulas

The Glory of the 'Byzantine'-Ottoman Continuum: Romanity, God's Neighbourhood on Earth

2024pdf12/9/2024 6:56:42 AMmaveriks
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