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Environmental_Engineering Books

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214202526Joaquim Farguell P?rez, Albert Santasusagna Riu

Urban and Metropolitan Rivers: Geomorphology, Planning and Perception

2024EPUB (True)12/8/2024 8:45:02 PMcomet
214230227Dorey, Martin

Green Camping Book: How to Camp Sustainably and Treat Our Environment with Respect

2024MOBI12/8/2024 8:35:49 PMcomet
214097746Fosso-Kankeu, Elvis Mamba, Bhekie B. Mulaba-Bafubiandi, Antoine F. , Bhekie B. Mamba, Antoine F. Mul

Recovery of Values from Low-Grade and Complex Minerals: Development of Sustainable Processes

2024MOBI12/7/2024 9:06:08 AMcomet

Ecosystem Management Climate Change and Sustainability

2025PDF, EPUB (True)12/7/2024 9:02:29 AMcomet
214165246Jan Veuger

Blockchain in Energy

2024EPUB12/6/2024 8:44:46 AMcomet
214168529Laura Westra

Environmental Disasters and Land Grabs As Crimes Against Humanity (Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology)

2024pdf12/6/2024 12:40:41 AMstirkout

Artificial Intelligence of Things for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

2024MOBI11/30/2024 12:29:17 AMcomet
213957347E. Marcelo Acha, Oscar Osvaldo Iribarne

Patagonian Shelfbreak Front: Ecology, Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation

2024True PDF11/27/2024 9:02:44 PMcomet
213950119Jonathan C. Hanks

Volatile Organic Compounds (Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology)

2024pdf11/27/2024 4:00:39 AMtopron
213788546Charles Palmer

Avoided Deforestation: Prospects for Mitigating Climate Change (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics)

2009pdf11/18/2024 10:54:51 AMtvladb77
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