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Mathematics Books

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2029693103no autor

ACT Aspire Grade 8 Mathematics: A Comprehensive Review and Ultimate Guide to the ACT Aspire Math Test

2021epub12/14/2024 12:10:31 AMalex21s
214335219Giuseppe Campolieti

Financial Mathematics: A Comprehensive Treatment in Continuous Time: Volume II

2022pdf12/14/2024 12:09:44 AMeternal
2044780279Giuseppe Campolieti

Financial Mathematics: A Comprehensive Treatment in Discrete Time (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series)

2021pdf12/14/2024 12:04:17 AMtopron
21433518C. Oliver (

Comprehensive Maths Practice: Book 3

1981djvu12/14/2024 12:01:42 AMeternal
214335010C. Oliver

Comprehensive Maths Practice: Book 4

1981djvu12/13/2024 11:58:04 PMeternal
214334910C. Oliver (Author), A. Ledsham (Author), R. Elvin

Comprehensive Maths Practice: Book 5

1981djvu12/13/2024 11:54:32 PMeternal
214334719Santiago Lopez de Medrano

Topology and Geometry of Intersections of Ellipsoids in Rn (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 361) 2023rd Edition

2023pdf12/13/2024 11:38:54 PMeternal
214334612Hayden Van Der Post

Calculus: The Mathematics of Financial Markets: A Comprehensive survey of Financial Calculus

2023epub12/13/2024 11:12:07 PMeternal
214334520Andrew Hinton

AI Mastery Trilogy: A Comprehensive Guide to AI Basics for Managers, Essential Mathematics for AI, and Coding Practices for Modern Programmers in the AI

2024epub12/13/2024 11:07:09 PMeternal
214332096Arturo Portnoy

Calculus to Analysis: An Introductory Transition (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

2024pdf12/13/2024 9:27:40 AMalex21s
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