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LINUX Command-Line for Beginners: Guide for Hackers to Learn the Fundamentals of Command-Line, Administration, and Security. Essentials and Hints are Included (2022 Crash Course)
Has it occurred to you that Linux is present in everything we use, from smartphones to vehicles and even computers? Have you been considering using Linux but are unsure how to get started? Wait! Okay, what if you can learn all the information you need within this book and start using several Linux distributions on your PC by this weekend? What if you could quickly comprehend the Linux operating system and how it works? This book explores the meaning of the operating system and the many distinct components that make up the Linux operating system. It also includes some additional suggestions and instructions for navigating the command-line more smoothly, efficiently, and quickly. With its simple, step-by-step approach, it takes you from the beginning, which is understanding the operating system, to showing you how to install it, different distributions you can use on your new or old computers to make the work easier, how to use it, and some basic and advanced shell commands. If you're Weary of spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to use the Linux command line, this book is for you. Its slant is based on various principles, examples, hints, and methods to utilize some commands and folders. When you finish this book and understand how to utilize virtual machines to install , some core Linux shell commands, construct scripts, and so much more, you will be able to use all of these commands with confidence. If you want to learn all there is to know about shell scripting, how to construct it, and everything there is to know about Linux directory structures, terminals, and editors, then here is the place to be. Read more