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Management Books

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21432364Valentina Emilia Balas

Decision Making and Decision Support in the Information Era: Dedicated to Academician Florin Filip (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 534)

2024pdf12/12/2024 8:29:41 PMalex21s
214319516Professor Mary Bridges

Dollars and Dominion: US Bankers and the Making of a Superpower (America in the World)

2024epub12/12/2024 2:54:18 PMgestalt
214316122John Fahy David Jobber

Foundations of Marketing, 7ed.

2022pdf12/12/2024 8:02:25 AMeternal
214316024Eve Chen

Growth Product Manager's Handbook: Winning strategies and frameworks for driving user acquisition, retention, and optimizing metrics

2024pdf12/12/2024 7:54:15 AMeternal
214315237Vijay Gupta

How To Grow Business With ChatGPT

2023epub12/12/2024 3:18:16 AMeternal
214314941Ray Weaver

Introducing SearchGPT: Your Personal AI Search Assistant

2024epub12/12/2024 2:55:06 AMeternal
214314146Edmondson, Mark

Learning Google Analytics: Creating Business Impact and Driving Insights, 1st Edition

2022pdf,epub12/12/2024 1:10:13 AMeternal
214313828Marklund, Jan

Lead Like a Swede: Navigating New Terrain with Solution-Focused Leadership

2025pdf,epub12/12/2024 1:02:00 AMeternal
21430457bright days

Finding Light in the Shadows Cultivating Positivity in an Unfulfilling Job

2024EPUB12/11/2024 11:07:28 PMcomet
214303516Lawrence A. Cunningham

Contracts in the Real World: Stories of Popular Contracts and Why They Matter Ed 2

2024pdf12/11/2024 11:03:08 PMmaveriks
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