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21417520Brian Beard

Disaster Survival

2007PDF12/6/2024 10:22:03 AMcomet

Die Zukunft der HR Erfolgreich Gestalten: Das Praxishandbuch Zur Digitalen Transformation des Personalwesens

2024PDF (True)12/6/2024 9:57:03 AMcomet
21417285Daniel Asante Otchere

Data Science and Machine Learning Applications in Subsurface Engineering

2024EPUB12/6/2024 9:25:35 AMcomet
21417239Donald J. Treffinger

Creative problem solving: an introduction

2005EPUB12/6/2024 9:13:00 AMcomet

Comparing Charismatic Leaders Communication Styles: A Study of Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump

2024EPUB12/6/2024 9:08:03 AMcomet

Complex Systems and Their Applications: Fourth International Conference

2024MOBI12/6/2024 9:05:08 AMcomet

Computing, Communication and Intelligence

2025PDF EPUB (True)12/6/2024 8:56:27 AMcomet
214168317Flora Fitzgerald

Photodynamic Therapy: Principles, Mechanisms and Applications

2024pdf12/5/2024 11:48:22 PMstirkout
214167314N.V. Nayak

Handbook on Advanced Concrete Technology

2024pdf12/5/2024 11:40:09 PMstirkout

Antioxidants as Nutraceuticals

2025PDF EPUB (True)12/5/2024 12:44:53 PMcomet
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