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   Favorites of Wazzdl

6534074021Abby CovertHow to Make Sense of Any Mess: Information Architecture for Everybody2014-11-04ManagementJan 9 2015gestalt
20610522226Jose A. RomagnoliIntroduction to Process Control (Chemical Industries) Ed 32021Chemical EngineeringJul 19 2023topron
20669331798K.S. VenkateswarluWater Chemistry-industrial and Power Station Water Treatment2005-12-0Chemical EngineeringAug 1 2023tvladb77
20528801774Andre B de HaanIndustrial Separation Processes: Fundamentals (De Gruyter Textbook) Ed 22021Chemical EngineeringJul 3 2023stirkout
20002041411Manhar R. DhanakSpringer Handbook of Ocean Engineering (Springer Handbooks)2021Marine EngineeringApr 25 2022alex21s
20790351354Sufyan bin UzayrCSS Frameworks (The Ultimate Guide)2024HTML and CSSSep 20 2023stirkout
13046391339Ryan WassermanParadoxes of Time Travel2018-01-30PhysicsApr 25 2018eternal
20670371272Manfred T. ReetzEnzyme Engineering: Selective Catalysts for Applications in Biotechnology, Organic Chemistry, and Life Science2023Chemical EngineeringAug 1 2023eternal
20525741209Katarzyna StaszakChemical Technologies and Processes (de Gruyter Stem)2023Chemical EngineeringJul 2 2023gestalt
13004751099Alessandro TetaA Mathematical Primer on Quantum Mechanics (UNITEXT for Physics)2018-05-23PhysicsApr 18 2018topron