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Habits for Life: 9 Steps for Building Habits that Stick
Want to become Healthier, Happier and More Productive in Just 10 Minutes Per Day? What's the secret to creating lifelong habits? What's the key to creating lasting change? What if you could use the power of habits to transform you life in just 10 minutes a day? And, even more important: what if you could make those habits stick? What Habits do You Want to Create? If you’re like most people, you probably harbor countless goals and aspirations: finally getting that promotion at work, eating a more balanced diet, saving money, losing weight, or being a more engaged parent. Prepared to make a major life change and with your sights set squarely on perfection, you fail—if not immediately, within the first few weeks. Overwhelmed by the pressure of establishing several ambitious new habits at once, you throw your hands up in surrender, sit your two-year-old in front of Frozen for the third time this week, and break your three-day healthy eating streak as you sink your teeth into a double chocolate brownie.