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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
21430257Darwin PorterScotland2010PDFTravel12/13/2024 9:16:27 PMcomet
21430225Brian MortonWoodrow Wilson: USA (Makers of the Modern World)2024epubNon-fiction12/13/2024 9:16:27 PMmaveriks
2034275132Tom WatsonDial M for Murdoch: News Corporation and the Corruption of Britain2021epubNon-fiction12/13/2024 9:16:27 PMeternal
214308115Joseph R CeramiWresting the Initiative: Ridgway as Operational Commander in the Korean War, December 1950 to April 19512024epubMisc12/13/2024 9:16:26 PMmaveriks
214301018Marc H. OpperExperiments with MarxismLeninism in Cold War Southeast Asia (Asian Studies Series)2022PDFHistory12/13/2024 9:16:26 PMcomet
214301322Terence CavePan (Oxford World's Classics)2024pdfHistory12/13/2024 9:16:26 PMmaveriks
214300325Penelope WilsonSacred Signs: Hieroglyphs in Ancient Egypt2024djvuHistory12/13/2024 9:16:25 PMmaveriks
209014416259 Mandarin Speaking with Wu (Part 1) VIDEOChinese12/13/2024 9:16:25 PMoblivion
21427626Erika Fischer-LichteTheatrical Speech Acts: Performing Language: Politics, Translations, Embodiments2024rarArt related12/13/2024 9:16:25 PMalex21s
214299716Beat KuminThe World of the Tavern: Public Houses in Early Modern Europe2024epubManagement12/13/2024 9:16:25 PMmaveriks
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