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History Books

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21426595Tara Williams

Inventing Womanhood: Gender and Language in Later Middle English Writing (Interventions: New Studies Medieval Cult)

2021pdf12/9/2024 11:35:53 AMrubybook
214264616Wlodzimierz Borodziej

Forgotten Wars: Central and Eastern Europe, 1912-1916

2021pdf12/9/2024 7:38:51 AMeternal
214264512Eugenia Russell and Quentin Russell

Ali Pasha, Lion of Ioannina : The Remarkable Life of the Balkan Napoleon

2018epub12/9/2024 7:34:42 AMeternal
214264413Hourly History

Balkan Wars: A History from Beginning to End (History of Eastern Europe)

2024epub12/9/2024 7:28:08 AMeternal
214251015Christos Retoulas

The Glory of the 'Byzantine'-Ottoman Continuum: Romanity, God's Neighbourhood on Earth

2024pdf12/9/2024 6:56:42 AMmaveriks
214263721Ian Worthington

Athens After Empire: A History from Alexander the Great to the Emperor Hadrian

2021pdf12/9/2024 5:05:33 AMeternal
214263214Stuart Britton

800 Days on the Eastern Front: A Russian Soldier Remembers World War II

2017epub12/9/2024 4:28:31 AMeternal
21426319Tony Booth

Admiralty Salvage in Peace and War 1906-2006: 'Grope, Grub and Tremble

2012epub12/9/2024 4:22:35 AMeternal
21426299James C. Humes

The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill

1995epub12/9/2024 3:56:57 AMeternal
21426256James D. Hornfischer, David J. Hornfischer

Destroyer Captain: The Life of Ernest E. Evans (American War Heroes)

2024pdf12/9/2024 3:29:38 AMeternal
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