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21410702David W. Wang

Reaching Your New Digital Heights

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Explore: A Collection of Maps and Diagrams That Explain the World

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21410640H. Paul Williams

Logic and Integer Programming (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 130)

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21410631Yves Pochet

Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering)

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21410592Marco Roscini

Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law

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21410455Samia Marshy

El Ghourabaa: A Queer and Trans Collection of Oddities

2024rar12/3/2024 11:54:29 PMstirkout
21410444Joanne Edge

Onomantic Divination in Late Medieval Britain: Questioning Life, Predicting Death (Health and Healing in the Middle Ages, 6)

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214104310Erica Gies

Water Always Wins: Collaborating with Nature for a More Resilient Future

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21410424Colin Murphy

Who Gives a Focal?: A Hundred Words and Phrases Ireland Gave the English Language

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21410379Erik L. Herman

AI Revealed: Theory Applications Ethics (MLI Generative AI Series)

2024epub12/3/2024 11:49:37 PMstirkout
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