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21421130Elijah Poole

Combating Antibiotic Resistance: Report to the President and National Strategy (Pharmacology Research Safety Testing and Regulation)

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:08:18 PMrisotor
21421080Catherine Ryan Hyde

Life, Loss, and Puffins: A Novel

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:05:17 PMrisotor
21421070Dale H. Eberwein

Advocacy for Change in Educational Culture (Education in a Competitve and Globalizing World)

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21421032J Malcolm Morris

The Wise Bamboo

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21420822Edmund Walsh

Addressing the Copyright Issues of Orphan Works and Mass Digitization: Analyses and Proposals (Intellectual Property in the 21st Century)

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21420811Karpenko-Seccombe, Tatyana

Academic Writing with Corpora A Resource Book for DataDriven Learning, 2nd Edition

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21420710Isabelle Grellier (Hg.)

Attentes religieuses dans le Protestantisme en France et en Allemagne: Observations pastorales

2024pdf12/7/2024 12:43:42 PMrisotor
21420692Monica White

Rapeseed: Chemical Composition, Production and Health Benefits (Plant Science Research and Practices)

2024pdf12/7/2024 12:42:56 PMrisotor
21420601James F. Iaccino

Arrow and Superhero Television: Essays on Themes and Characters of the Series

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21420511Storm, Lance

A New Approach to Psi ReEnvisioning Paranormal Experience as Meaningful Coincidence

2025True PDF EPUB12/7/2024 12:29:34 PMcomet
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