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History Books

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21421302Adrian Greaves

Who s Who in the Anglo Zulu War 1879: Volume 1 - The British

2024epub12/7/2024 1:18:16 PMrisotor
21421230Mads Daugbjerg

Borders of Belonging: Experiencing History, War and Nation at a Danish Heritage Site (Museums and Collections, 5)

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:13:37 PMrisotor
21421191F C Beatson

Wellington: The Crossing Of The Gaves And The Battle Of Orthez

2024epub12/7/2024 1:11:20 PMrisotor
21421160Brian P. Levack

Witchcraft in the British Isles and New England (New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology, Volume 3)

2024epub12/7/2024 1:09:50 PMrisotor
21421151A. G. Hopkins

Africa, Empire and World Disorder: Selected Essays

2020EPUB12/7/2024 1:09:15 PMcomet
21421141Eryn M. White

The Welsh Methodist Society: The Early Societies in South-west Wales 1737 1750

2024epub12/7/2024 1:09:04 PMrisotor
21421100Lindsey A. Freeman

Silence, Screen, and Spectacle: Rethinking Social Memory in the Age of Information (Remapping Cultural History, 14)

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:06:01 PMrisotor
21421093Gao, Chunchang

African Americans in the Reconstruction era

2000EPUB12/7/2024 1:05:56 PMcomet
21421061Agnes Ofosua Vandyck

African Visionaries

2019EPUB12/7/2024 1:03:50 PMcomet
21421050Eve Worth

Welfare State Generation, The: Women, Agency and Class in Britain since 1945 (New Directions in Social and Cultural History)

2024epub12/7/2024 1:03:44 PMrisotor
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