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21421189Nicola PerulloAesthetics without Objects and Subjects Relational Thinking for Global Challenges2025True PDFPhilosophy12/9/2024 11:14:25 AMcomet
20674345426 ZerotoMastery Build an LLMpowered Q&A App using LangChain, OpenAI and Python VIDEOProgramming12/9/2024 11:14:25 AMoblivion
1923734158Norman M. BradburnAsking Questions: The Definitive Guide to Questionnaire Design For Market Research, Political Polls, and Social and Health Questionnaires Ed 22021pdfSociology12/9/2024 11:14:25 AMgestalt
194567866913Timothy G. ThoppilUnwinding Electric Motors: Strategic Perspectives and Insights for Automotive Powertrain Applications2021pdfElectrical Engineering12/9/2024 11:14:24 AMmaveriks
1500408203Byron Matthews, Tamara SchenkSales Enablement: A Master Framework to Engage, Equip, and Empower A World-Class Sales Force22 Jun. 2018pdfFinances and Money12/9/2024 11:14:18 AMtopron
214246514N/AAntioxidants Potential in Prevention of Diseases2024PDFMisc12/9/2024 11:14:16 AMcomet
1872456123Andy SuttonOKINAWA DIET Cookbook: 50+ Recipes Easy, Delicious and Healthy of Onikawa2020AZW,EPUB,MOBICooking12/9/2024 11:14:16 AMrisotor
208697412155 Macroeconomics - The Essential Diagrams Series - Part 2 VIDEOEconomy12/9/2024 11:14:14 AMoblivion
211572414964 New. Weapon Modeling For Aaa Games In Blender VIDEOGame Development12/9/2024 11:14:13 AMoblivion
21425258Carl J. Bon TempoImmigration: An American History2024pdfHistory12/9/2024 11:14:13 AMmaveriks
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