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214054336Lin QiuThermal Engineering: Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (De Gruyter Textbook) 1st Edition2024pdfPhysics12/2/2024 2:40:17 PMeternal
211618312749 Learn Fundamentals and Basics of Spring boot VIDEOComputer Science12/2/2024 2:40:17 PMoblivion
214072064Scott E UmbaughDigital Image Processing and Analysis: Computer Vision and Image Analysis 4th Edition2023pdfImage Processing12/2/2024 2:40:17 PMeternal
2120938142Maureen K. CalamiaCreating Luminous Spaces: Use the Five Elements for Balance and Harmony in Your Home and in Your Life (Feng Shui, Interior Design Book, Lighting Design Book)2024epubArchitecture12/2/2024 2:40:16 PMrisotor
1932654147Laura S. GrilloReligions in Contemporary Africa: An Introduction2021pdfChristianity12/2/2024 2:40:15 PMalex21s
2044682100no autorSociety 5.0, Digital Transformation and Disasters: Past, Present and Future (Disaster Risk Reduction)2021pdfMisc12/2/2024 2:40:13 PMrisotor
214054437Cengel Y.Introduction to thermodynamics and heat transfer [2ed.]2008pdfPhysics12/2/2024 2:40:13 PMeternal
159467231555Scott P. MilroyField Methods in Marine Science: From Measurements to Models2015PDFBiology12/2/2024 2:40:12 PMgestalt
194567859912Timothy G. ThoppilUnwinding Electric Motors: Strategic Perspectives and Insights for Automotive Powertrain Applications2021pdfElectrical Engineering12/2/2024 2:40:12 PMmaveriks
214054560Meinhard T. SchobeiriAdvanced Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer for Engineers and Scientists: For Engineers and Scientists ,1st ed2022pdfPhysics12/2/2024 2:40:11 PMeternal
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