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Philosophy Books

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21412255Timber Hawkeye

The Opposite of Namaste

Aug 08, 2022PDF12/4/2024 11:49:29 AMcomet
21412205Anelly Aya

The Language of Trees Communicating with the Ancient Ones

2024EPUB12/4/2024 11:40:27 AMcomet
21412185James Boyle

Line: AI and the Future of Personhood

2024PDF12/4/2024 11:37:18 AMcomet
21412144Anelly Aya

The Harmony Codex Scripts of Balanced Existence

2024EPUB12/4/2024 11:28:40 AMcomet
21412088Alan Thomas

The Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Williams

2024True PDF12/4/2024 11:16:42 AMcomet
214038532Emiliano Ippoliti

Model-Based Reasoning, Abductive Cognition, Creativity: Inferences and Models in Science, Logic, Language, and Technology (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, 70)

2024pdf12/1/2024 4:30:36 AMstirkout
214045773F. Richard Yu

A Brief History of Intelligence: From the Big Bang to the Metaverse

2024rar12/1/2024 4:16:45 AMtopron
214057711Jana S. Roker

Following His Own Path: Li Zehou and Contemporary Chinese Philosophy (Suny Series, Translating China)

2024pdf12/1/2024 3:44:21 AMmaveriks
214042129Udo Thiel

Self and Sensibility: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy of Mind

2024rar11/29/2024 11:59:31 AMtopron
214026236Thomas J. Bollyky

Plagues and the Paradox of Progress Why the World Is Getting Healthier in Worrisome Ways

2019epub11/29/2024 6:23:32 AMrubybook
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