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Religion_Other Books

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21432049Johnathan F. Harris

Christ-Faith and Abraham in Galatians 3-4: Paul s Tale of Two Siblings (Biblical Interpretation, 214)

2024pdf12/12/2024 2:58:47 PMgestalt
214318511Graham Oppy

The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Multi-Volume

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21430322Elizabeth Dimock

Women, Mission and Church in Uganda: Ethnographic encounters in an age of imperialism, 1895-1960s (Routledge Studies in Modern British History)

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214301513R. J. Balfour

Divine Rejection: Explorations in the Biblical Portrayals of Esau and King Saul (Explorations in Theological Interpretation)

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21430018Thomas P. Dixon

Paul and the Wrath: Divine Judgment and Mercy for Israel in Romans 9 11

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214299211Christopher M. Blumhofer

Early High Christology: John among the New Testament Writers

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21429756Lady Passion

The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems

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214293110John J. Collins

Ancient Jewish and Christian Scriptures: New Developments in Canon Controversy

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214290712Yii-Jan Lin

Immigration and Apocalypse: How the Book of Revelation Shaped American Immigration

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214286849Markus Bockmuehl

The New Cambridge Companion to Jesus (Cambridge Companions to Religion)

2024pdf12/11/2024 2:04:55 AMtopron
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