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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
206747114940 Bulletproof Catholic. A Guide to Catholicism VIDEOChristianity12/11/2024 7:22:57 PMoblivion
21318487123 MATLAB/SIMULINK Masterclass - From a Beginner to an Expert VIDEOComputer Science12/11/2024 7:22:55 PMRudder
207566614100 Microsoft Excel -Basic Excel/ Advanced Excel Formulas (2022) VIDEOComputers (Other)12/11/2024 7:22:55 PMTutorials
211659269414Chris EllisTanks of World War 2: 500 Full-Color Illustrations1981pdfMilitary Science12/11/2024 7:22:55 PMMaterialistic
1492324103noparticles in medicine and environment: Inhalation and health effects By Heinz Burtscher (auth.), JNanoparticles in medicine and environment: Inhalation and health effects2017PDFMedicine12/11/2024 7:22:54 PMstirkout
206803614554 The Software Reference Architecture for any Big Data System VIDEODatabases12/11/2024 7:22:54 PMoblivion
204240918230 Minimal API Development with ASP.NET Core VIDEO.NET12/11/2024 7:22:50 PMTutorials
214265261Javier Reguera-SalgadoJuan Antonio RufesAsynchronous Programming with C++: Build blazing-fast software with multithreading and asynchronous programming for ultimate efficiency2024pdfC and CPP12/11/2024 7:22:49 PMeternal
206748015209 Advanced RealTime Vector Control Pmsm Motors (Foc) VIDEOElectrical Engineering12/11/2024 7:22:47 PMoblivion
208697412567 Macroeconomics - The Essential Diagrams Series - Part 2 VIDEOEconomy12/11/2024 7:22:47 PMoblivion
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