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Religion_Other Books

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214261917Sebastian Kim

A Companion to Public Theology (Brill's Companions to Modern Theology, 1)

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214261811Janina Niefer

Inspiration and Utmost Art: The Poetics of Early Modern English Psalm Translations (5) (Religion und Literatur. Religion and Literature)

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214260213Kevin J. Vanhoozer

Mere Christian Hermeneutics: Transfiguring What It Means to Read the Bible Theologically

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21425954Yan Ma

Johannine Portrayal of Jesus: Mapping 'I Am' in the Gospel of John (Linguistic Biblical Studies)

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21425948E J David Kramer

Theologian of the Resurrection: N.T. Wright's Eschatology and Mission Theology (Theology and Mission in World Christianity)

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21425935Thomas Brand

Intimately Forsaken: A Trinitarian Christology of the Cross

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21425772Marta Dominguez Diaz

Women in Sufism: Female Religiosities in a Transnational Order (Routledge Sufi Series)

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214257311Harold L. Senkbeil

Church Leadership & Strategy: For the Care of Souls (Lexham Ministry Guides)

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21425405Shmuly Yanklowitz

Kashrut and Jewish Food Ethics (Jewish Thought, Jewish History: New Studies)

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21425297David Rankine

Conjuring the Planetary Intelligences: A Series of Conjurations Found in Sloane 3821 (Guides to the Underworld)

2024pdf12/9/2024 12:09:09 AMmaveriks
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