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Sociology Books

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21421540Silvia De Zordo

A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe (Protest, Culture & Society, 20)

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21421520Ulbe Bosma

Postcolonial Migrants and Identity Politics: Europe, Russia, Japan and the United States in Comparison (International Studies in Social History, 18)

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21421472Andrew Bowman

What a waste: Outsourcing and how it goes wrong (Manchester Capitalism)

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21421450Eric Langenbacher

The Merkel Republic: An Appraisal

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21421381Merlin Becskey

40 Years in the Desert: Orthopraxy instead of orthodoxy in an anarchist kibbutz. Foreword by James Horrox (Ethnologie / Anthropology)

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21421332Wolfram Kaiser

International Organizations and Environmental Protection: Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century (Environment in History: International Perspectives, 11)

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21421323Frederic Bozo

French Foreign Policy since 1945: An Introduction

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21421290Anita C. Galuschek

Selfhood and Recognition: Melanesian and Western Accounts of Relationality (Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific, 7)

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21421280Catherine-Lune Grayson

Children of the Camp: The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

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21421241George Hoare, Nathan Sperber

An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci His Life, Thought and Legacy 2nd Edition

2025True PDF12/7/2024 1:14:20 PMcomet
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