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21421260Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

Reconciliation and Just Peace: Impulses of the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer for the European and African Context (9) (Theology in the Public Square / Theologie in der Offentlichkeit)

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:15:09 PMrisotor
21421250Cloe Taddei-Ferretti

Even the Dogs: The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church (60) (Theologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft)

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:14:23 PMrisotor
21421170Petr Slama

New Theologies of the Old Testament and History: The Function of History in Modern Biblical Scholarship (33) (Beitrage zum Verstehen der Bibel)

2024pdf12/7/2024 1:10:35 PMrisotor
21420980Katrien Pype

The Making of the Pentecostal Melodrama: Religion, Media and Gender in Kinshasa (Anthropology of Media, 6)

2024pdf12/7/2024 12:59:50 PMrisotor
21420890Gysbert M.H. Loubser

Paul Cries Freedom in Galatia!: On Ethics in the New Creation (6) (Theology in Africa)

2024pdf12/7/2024 12:53:44 PMrisotor
21420730Karen L. Bloomquist

Radicalizing Reformation: North American Perspectives (6) (Radicalizing Reformation / Die Reformation radikalisieren)

2024pdf12/7/2024 12:45:14 PMrisotor
214186318T. Ream

Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education

2015PDF12/6/2024 2:09:38 PMcomet
214182927Violet M. Firth

Aspects of occultism

2000PDF12/6/2024 1:03:55 PMcomet
214173122Gigi Carter, Sersie Blue

Daniel Fast Why You Should Only Do It Once

2023EPUB12/6/2024 9:30:54 AMcomet
214168023O Wesley Allen Jr

Reading the Synoptic Gospels: Basic Methods for Interpreting Matthew, Mark, and Luke

2024pdf12/5/2024 11:46:32 PMstirkout
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