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Description of
Stay with Me: A Novel (Wait for You)
Stay With me is labeled a romance, and while there most definitely is a strong love story in it, I consider it basically a novel and as such, it's great reading regardless of gender. I do belive that it will appeal more to women because it's written by a lady author and is told from the woman's viewpoint in the first person. However, it has enough of a thriller embedded in it to appeal to men also. There are sexual scenes in the novel, but they are not generally as graphic nor "hot' as are common in modern romances. There's also some violence, but again not graphic. I wish there were a way to convey how very good this novel is without sounding like I'm a plant or a personal friend of the author. I'm especially sensitive about this since this apparently will be the first customer review. But believe me, guys and gals, this is definitely a novel to read. Yes, it is at times heavy on the romance, but there's enough suspense in it to please male readers like myself. Truly an outstanding novel and quit strongly recommended by me.