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History Books

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21422590Jean-Michel Spieser

Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium (Variorum Collected Studies)

2024rar12/7/2024 7:59:52 PMtopron
21422580Roger French

Ancient and Moderns in the Medical Sciences (Variorum Collected Studies Series)

2024rar12/7/2024 7:59:16 PMtopron
214224814Lesley J. Gordon

Dread Danger: Cowardice and Combat in the American Civil War

2024PDF12/7/2024 4:24:22 PMcomet
21422336Cheung, Caroline

Dolia: The Containers That Made Rome an Empire of Wine

2024MOBI12/7/2024 3:41:57 PMcomet
21422317Braj Ranjan Mani

Debrahmanising History Dominance and Resistance in Indian Society

2008-01-01PDF12/7/2024 3:37:27 PMcomet
214222823James D. Hornfischer

Destroyer Captain: The Life of Ernest E. Evans

2024PDF12/7/2024 3:32:17 PMcomet
21422021Richard Wright

Black Power: Three Books from Exile: Black Power The Color Curtain and White Man, Listen! (P.S.)

February 5, 2008EPUB12/7/2024 2:35:27 PMcomet
21421844Ellias Aghili Dehnavi

Who Handles It Better?

2024epub12/7/2024 1:51:18 PMrisotor
214218110Mihai Dragnea

The Wendish Crusade, 1147: The Development of Crusading Ideology in the Twelfth Century (Routledge Focus)

2024epub12/7/2024 1:49:45 PMrisotor
214217824David Herbert Donald

Why the North Won the Civil War

2024epub12/7/2024 1:47:26 PMrisotor
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