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Other_Engineering Books

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21436260Rajat Sethi

Air Pollution: Sources, Prevention and Health Effects (Air, Water and Soil Pollution Science and Technology: Pollution Science, Technology and Abatement)

2024pdf12/14/2024 4:57:22 PMstirkout
21436120Michael Filimowicz

Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media: A Multidisciplinary Approach

2024pdf12/14/2024 4:50:04 PMstirkout
21436100Jay Daniel

Blockchain Technology: Transforming Businesses and Shaping the Future (Smart Technologies for Engineers and Scientists)

2024epub12/14/2024 4:48:50 PMstirkout
21435980Peter Wilson

The Circuit Designer's Companion Ed 3

2024pdf12/14/2024 4:42:39 PMstirkout

Sustainable Management of Environmental Pollutants through Phytoremediation

2025True PDF EPUB12/14/2024 3:58:35 PMcomet

Model Checking Software 16th International Spin Workshop Grenoble France June 2628 2009 Proceedings

2009PDF12/14/2024 12:18:33 PMcomet
214340813John Barry DuVall

Manufacturing processes: automation, materials, and packaging

2012EPUB12/14/2024 12:04:52 PMcomet

Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies ICMTT 2024 Volume 2

2024PDF EPUB (True)12/14/2024 11:39:07 AMcomet
214280219Jos? ?ngel Fern?ndezManuel L?zaro Ram?rez

Cloud Observability with Azure Monitor (EPUB)

2024EPUB (True)12/14/2024 10:45:41 AMcomet
214284138Zhengle Zhang , Tiedong Ma , Bing Cui

Distributed Impulsive Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems

2024PDF EPUB (True)12/14/2024 10:42:15 AMcomet
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